
比如買[104美國直購] Kenu Airframe+ Leather Edition | Car Mount for Smartphones and Phablets|Black|Retail packaging 底座可以直送到府或超商取貨 再也不必大包小包的扛回家

而且通常比店面便宜 如果剛好又有活動就更能撿到便宜

最近在網路上看到[104美國直購] Kenu Airframe+ Leather Edition | Car Mount for Smartphones and Phablets|Black|Retail packaging 底座 覺得價格很實在 深得我心

以下是[104美國直購] Kenu Airframe+ Leather Edition | Car Mount for Smartphones and Phablets|Black|Retail packaging 底座 的介紹 如果也跟我一樣喜歡不妨看看喔!









PREMIUM LEATHER - Genuine leather beautifully crafted to match your personal style.

ELEGANTLY IN VIEW - Keep your smartphone in sight at eye level and ready for GPS directions, streaming music, and hands-free calls. Airframe+ Leather Edition eliminates fumbling searches, looking away from the road, and other unsafe behaviors.

EXTENDS UP TO 3.4' (8.6 CM) - Airframe+ Leather Edition has a spring loaded expandable jaw which extends up to 3.4' to support larger smartphones, with up to 6' screens, and oversized cases.

VENT VERSATILITY - Our patented design (US Utility Patent 9,080,714) uses a rotating clip that securely mounts Airframe+ onto any vent (horizontal, vertical, and angled).

Product Description

Style:Airframe+ Leather Edition | Color:Black | Product Packaging:Standard Packaging

Dress up your dash with Airframe+ Leather Edition. Crafted with genuine leather and gold chrome accents, it's a stylish addition to any console. Airframe+ Leather Edition supports a wide range of mobile devices with screens up to 6 inches diagonal. Use it with an iPhone 6s Plus to an iPhone 5s, or even with your large Mophie cases. Still weighing under an ounce, Airframe+ Leather Edition offers all of the amazing functionality and portability of the original Airframe.

特價Product Details

Style: Airframe+ Leather Edition | Color: Black | Product Packaging: Standard Packaging

Product Dimensions: 2.7 x 1.9 x 1 inches ; 1 ounces

Shipping Weight: 3.2 ounces


Item model number: AF3-KK-NA




[104美國直購] Kenu Airframe+ Leather Edition | Car Mount for Smartphones and Phablets|Black|Retail packaging 底座 討論,推薦,開箱,CP值,熱賣,團購,便宜,優惠,介紹,排行,精選,特價,周年慶,體驗,限時





▲車禍現場,車頭已嚴重毀損,可見當時撞擊力道相當大 。(圖/鳳林警分局提供,2017.03.13)


▲警方堪驗現場時,前座小孩己因撞擊力道太強,己經當場死亡 。(圖/鳳林警分局提供,2017.03.13)



(中央社倫敦25日綜合外電報導)今天辭世的英國歌手喬治麥可(George Michael)本名帕納尤托(GeorgiosKyriacos Panayiotou),父親是希臘賽普勒斯人,母親是英國人,1963年出生於北倫敦。

他在中學時代認識志同道合的安德魯瑞吉里(Andrew Ridgeley),1981年合組「轟」(Wham)合唱團,兩人憑著俊俏的外型、黝黑的膚色、挑染的頭髮、享樂主義的形象,很快就抓住時代的脈動,一舉躍居英國天團。「Club Tropicana」、「Wake Me Up BeforeYou Go-Go」等單曲支支暢銷,1985年更前進中國大陸,成為首支在大陸表演的西方樂團。

法新社與英國「每日郵報」(Daily Mail)報導,4次榮登英國單曲榜冠軍,發行多張暢銷專輯後,「轟」宣告拆夥,喬治麥可單飛,鎖定較年長的族群。

1987年,喬治麥可發表首張專輯「信念」(Faith),一身皮衣裝扮,蓄著鬍渣,還戴了耳環,唱著「IWant Your Sex」,看得出風格丕變。


由於首張專輯宣傳太疲於奔命,喬治麥拍賣可又隔了3年,才再推出新專輯「Listen Without PrejudiceVol. 1」。

1990年代和2000年代初期,喬治麥可持續產出暢銷歌曲,但2004年的反戰歌曲Shoot The Dog,嘲笑當時的英美領袖布萊爾(Tony Blair)和小布希,惹來不少爭議。



唱紅《Last Christmas》 喬治麥可耶誕假期辭世
喬治麥可辭世 曾說出櫃沒讓自己更輕鬆
喬治麥可情史豐富 曾與黛妃傳緋聞
喬治麥可辭世 演藝圈名人震驚天才殞落

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